Tips and Tricks for New Homeowners

Homeownership can be exciting, but once the excitement fades, you’ll realize you have a long list of new responsibilities. Fortunately, there are ways to make owning a home less stressful and more enjoyable. To help with the transition, here are some valuable tips for new homeowners.

Create a Home Maintenance Checklist

Learn about the home maintenance tasks that are necessary to keep your home running smoothly. Create a checklist of what you need to do monthly, quarterly, biannually, and annually. Some items to add to the list include: replacing HVAC air filters, cleaning gutters, cleaning the garbage disposal, and changing the batteries in smoke and carbon monoxide detectors.

Conducting regular maintenance prolongs the lifespan of your appliances, preserves your home’s value, enhances safety, and saves you from costly repairs.

Tips for New Homeowners: Start an Emergency Fund

Even if you perform regular maintenance, appliances will break down occasionally. To save you from the inconvenience of being without an essential item, start an emergency fund dedicated to covering these expenses. Problems will happen when you least expect it, so it’s smart to put money aside every month to be prepared.

Create a Household Binder

When buying your home, you probably discovered homeownership involves a lot of paperwork. It’s easy to misplace important documents if they aren’t organized. Consolidate documents such as insurance papers, mortgage information, and appliance warranties in a binder. This will help you retrieve documents faster and keep them safe.

Tips for New Homeowners: Create a Contact List of Professionals

Even if you’re experienced with DIY projects, you’ll still need the help of skilled professionals from time to time. Create a contact list of important professionals like HVAC technicians, electricians, and plumbers and place it in an easy-to-access location. If something breaks and requires repair, you won’t have to spend time looking up the telephone number for a maintenance person.

Pace Yourself on Home Improvement

Homeownership gives you the freedom to decorate your living space however you’d like. But before you tackle any improvement projects, take some time to consider your priorities. As a general principle, wait at least six months to perform any major renovations. Waiting will provide clarity and allow you to determine what projects are most important.

As New Homeowners, Get to Know Your Neighbors

Your neighbors can enrich your homeownership experience. To establish a good relationship, introduce yourself or visit with a homemade treat. Building rapport with your neighbors will give you someone to turn to look after your home when you’re away. You’ll learn about the neighborhood and may make life-long friends. Once you’ve settled in, join the neighborhood watch or help create one in your area.

Homeownership has its perks, but it also includes duties that can feel overwhelming if you aren’t prepared. Use these tips for new homeowners to make owning a home less stressful and more enjoyable.

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